Free Risk Assessment for Corvus Policyholders


You may have no idea how much risk lurks inside your cloud infrastructure.

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Corvus has partnered with Ermetic, the cloud infrastructure security company, to bring exceptional cloud infrastructure risk assessment to our customers.
Ermetic invites you to sign up for a free assessment of your AWS, Azure or GCP environment. With just minimal permissions, the Ermetic platform can provide insights into the toxic combinations putting your data at risk and offer actionable remediation. The Ermetic team will show you:
  • Risk assessment and prioritization including hard to spot toxic permission combinations in your cloud infrastructure
  • Full stack management of your asset inventory across identities, resources and relationships
  • Least privilege enforcement for your policies
  • Compliance audit for the industry standards and best practices relevant to your organization
Let Ermetic show you the value – and how you can gain control over security and compliance in your AWS, Azure and/or GCP environment. Feel free to invite your colleagues.

Fill in your details to get a quick assessment.